Sabado, Oktubre 22, 2011
Lunes, Agosto 29, 2011
The descriptions of poverty is the use of payable known as "PISO" printed as an obligation or indebtedness, and not cash or money for settlement, Users of peso as a payable are victims of poverty whose rescuer is the SAVIOUR of ALMIGHTY GOD who has the financial and material aid to serve in favor to the sovereign Filipino people, as enshrined in the PREAMBLE of the CONSTITUTION. The peso payable in circulation has a ready replacement to be known as a "RELIEF PISO" amounting to "ONE HUNDRED SIXTY EIGHT TRILLION PESOS (P168,000,000,000.00)" printed with the backed-up of gold in the disposal of the SAVIOUR of POVERTY and LAWLESSNESS as well as uncut HUNDRED TRILLION of DOLLARS for all nations. Both PESO, DOLLARS and other called CURRENCIES are payables as the proof of poverty circulating in the entire earth whose nations are found in conflicts and wars and all sorts of lawless struggle against the unserved constituted authority. The re-appearance of the Saviour of Almighty GOD for an identity to all homely spirits is through hearing over the Televisions and Radios which all ages are free to hear it during an occasion of the freedom of speech, of expressions, or of the press, or the right of people peaceably assembled, citing Article III, Bill of Rights, Sec. 4, of the Constitution thereof. The FIVE HOURS AIR SHOW and receiving clarifications can completely end and pass away the poverty and lawlessness in favor of restoring and maintaining peace and order, the protection of life, liberty, and property, and the promotion of the general welfare are essential for the enjoyment by all the people, citing Article II, Sec. 5 of the Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines.
THE ''TRILATERAL COMMISSION OF GLOBAL FUNDER'' secretariat office: 345 EAST 46th STREET, NEW YORK,NEW YORK 10017/// the group of democratic people known as "TRILATERA" the allied and non allied nations legislative to enable issued protection to the successor heir/owner of the sources of gold bullion, precious stones and real estate properties covered by O.C.T. 01-4 Philippines archipelago CODE OF 010-l-50 in a manner appearing as a long-term investment program, amended on oct.4,1976w/c shall be known as backup of managerial papers currency C-1-C-2-19-21-777,maturity 2005.the holder / owner TVM-LSM,SOLE REDEEMER. and duly covered by complete irrevocable immunity on his documents and bank instrument.the world asset access reserve deposited in trust in different bullion banks around the world.w/ CERTIFICATE OF GLOBAL IMMUNITY.
top confidential documents w/c s referred to the central bank of the Philippines office of the board of governor. THE BILATERAL MINES FIELD BREAKTHROUGH SUCCESSOR AGREEMENT dated aug.11,1950 code name TVM-LSM the only successor of PRINCE JULIAN MCLEOD TA LLANO and MAJESTY QUEEN OF SPAIN ISABEL11 OWNER OF PARCEL OF LAND COVERED BY O.C.T. 01-4 AND GOLD BULLION CODE 777,HARBOUR KING,ABA,JPR,LUNA, and other code registered in the BANK FOR INTERNATIONAL SETTLEMENT based in Boston and Switzerland and other asset owned by EL BAN CO ESPANOL FILIPINO DE ISABEL 11 located in intramuros, manila, Philippines. to backup the Philippine currency as legal tender equivalent of thousand metric tons of GOLD(AU) and real estate properties known as code of O.C.T. 01-4 and code of 010-L-50

THE ''TRILATERAL COMMISSION OF GLOBAL FUNDER'' secretariat office: 345 EAST 46th STREET, NEW YORK,NEW YORK 10017/// the group of democratic people known as "TRILATERA" the allied and non allied nations legislative to enable issued protection to the successor heir/owner of the sources of gold bullion, precious stones and real estate properties covered by O.C.T. 01-4 Philippines archipelago CODE OF 010-l-50 in a manner appearing as a long-term investment program, amended on oct.4,1976w/c shall be known as backup of managerial papers currency C-1-C-2-19-21-777,maturity 2005.the holder / owner TVM-LSM,SOLE REDEEMER. and duly covered by complete irrevocable immunity on his documents and bank instrument.the world asset access reserve deposited in trust in different bullion banks around the world.w/ CERTIFICATE OF GLOBAL IMMUNITY.
top confidential documents w/c s referred to the central bank of the Philippines office of the board of governor. THE BILATERAL MINES FIELD BREAKTHROUGH SUCCESSOR AGREEMENT dated aug.11,1950 code name TVM-LSM the only successor of PRINCE JULIAN MCLEOD TA LLANO and MAJESTY QUEEN OF SPAIN ISABEL11 OWNER OF PARCEL OF LAND COVERED BY O.C.T. 01-4 AND GOLD BULLION CODE 777,HARBOUR KING,ABA,JPR,LUNA, and other code registered in the BANK FOR INTERNATIONAL SETTLEMENT based in Boston and Switzerland and other asset owned by EL BAN CO ESPANOL FILIPINO DE ISABEL 11 located in intramuros, manila, Philippines. to backup the Philippine currency as legal tender equivalent of thousand metric tons of GOLD(AU) and real estate properties known as code of O.C.T. 01-4 and code of 010-L-50
- the sole heir/owner shall be responsible to give any information regarding the history of ownership followed by the issuance of certificate of entitlement,master account code authenticated by the board of governor of the federal reserve system in coordination of the united states bank and international monetary fund under secrecy of bank deposit. the US security council, US federal reserve system and the US treasury identified the code of sole successor heir/owner based in trust acct. under C-1,C-2,C-19,C-21 appeared in the special trust cert. of deposit backup by GOLD CODE 777, protected by TREATY OF PARIS, TREATY OF VERSAILLES AND TREATY OF PERPETUAL and TREATY OF AGREEMENT it was approved and amended by the LEAGUE OF THE NATIONS.maturity yr 2005,then 5 yrs. grace period if so,2010 is over. and pls. refer RE LETTER OF INFORMATION ON ENDING POVERTY on march 15-21 issue 2010 MANILA STAR national news paper, yr. 2011 is the year of fulfillment, the poverty will get ended and the law of economy will take place. AMAZING PHILIPPINES!!!
Lunes, Agosto 15, 2011
by Gilbert Senday Langres on Tuesday, August 16, 2011 at 7:59am
Linggo, Agosto 14, 2011
Proclamation No. 3: Provisional Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines
Original date of document
March 25 1986
Original place of publication
Manila, Philippines
On 25 March 1986, a month after the 1986 “People Power Revolution,” President Corazon C. Aquino issued Proclamation No. 3 providing for an orderly transition to a government with a new constitution. Popularly known as the Freedom Constitution, this provisional Constitution adopts the provisions of Articles I, III, IV, V and VI covering National Territory, Citizenship, Bill of Rights, Duties and Obligations of Citizens and Suffrage of the 1973 Constitution as amended. Articles II, VII, X, XI, XII, XIII, XIV and XV are adopted in toto in so long as they are not inconsistent with the provisions of this proclamation. The provisions of the 1973 Constitution on the Batasang Pambansa (Art. VIII), the Prime Minister and the Cabinet (Art. IX), Amendments (Art. XVI), the Transitory Provisions (Art. XVII) and all amendments thereto are superseded.
Under the Freedom Constitution, the President continues to exercise legislative powers until a legislature is convened under a new Constitution. Furthermore, the President shall appoint the members of a Constitutional Commission tasked to draft a new charter “truly reflective of the ideals and aspirations of the Filipino People.”
NOTES: By virtue of Sec. 1, Article 5 of the “Freedom” Constitution, President Corazon C. Aquino issued on 23 April 1986 “Proclamation No. 9”, constituting a Constitutional Commission (CONCOM) charged with drafting a new constitution not later than 2 September 1986. In line with this issuance, President Aquino, on 26 May 1986, appointed the fifty (50) CONCOM members representing the various sectors of society.
WHEREAS, the new government was installed through a direct exercise of the power of the Filipino people assisted by units of the New Armed Forces of the Philippines;
WHEREAS, the heroic action of the people was done in defiance of the provisions of the 1973 Constitution, as amended;
WHEREAS, the direct mandate of the people as manifested by their extraordinary action demands the complete reorganization of the government, restoration of democracy, protection of basic rights, rebuilding of confidence in the entire governmental system, eradication of graft and corruption, restoration of peace and order, maintenance of the supremacy of civilian authority over the military, and the transition to a government under a New Constitution in the shortest time possible;
WHEREAS, during the period of transition to a New Constitution it must be guaranteed that the government will respect basic human rights and fundamental freedoms;
WHEREFORE, I, CORAZON C. AQUINO, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by the sovereign mandate of the people, do hereby promulgate the following Provisional Constitution:
Article I: Adoption of Certain Provisions of the 1973 Constitution, as amended
SECTION 1. The provisions of ARTICLE I (National Territory), ARTICLE III (Citizenship), ARTICLE IV (Bill of Rights), ARTICLE V (Duties and Obligations of Citizens), and ARTICLE VI (Suffrage) of the 1973 Constitution, as amended, remain in force and effect and are hereby adopted in toto as part of this Provisional Constitution.
SECTION 2. The provisions of ARTICLE II (Declaration of Principles and State Policies), ARTICLE VII (The President), ARTICLE X (The Judiciary), ARTICLE XI (Local Government), ARTICLE XII (The Constitutional Commissions), ARTICLE XIII (Accountability of Public Officers), ARTICLE XIV (The National Economy and Patrimony of the Nation), ARTICLE XV (General Provisions) of the 1973 Constitution, as amended, are hereby adopted as part of this Provisional Constitution, insofar as they are not inconsistent with the provisions of this Proclamation.
SECTION 3. ARTICLE VIII (The Batasang Pambansa), ARTICLE IX (The Prime Minister and the Cabinet), ARTICLE XVI (Amendments), ARTICLE XVII (Transitory Provisions) and all amendments thereto are deemed superseded by this Proclamation.
Article II: The President, the Vice-president, and the Cabinet
SECTION 1. Until a legislature is elected and convened under a new Constitution, the President shall continue to exercise legislative power.
The President shall give priority to measures to achieve the mandate of the people to:
(a) Completely reorganize the government and eradicate unjust and oppressive structures, and all iniquitous vestiges of the previous regime;
(b) Make effective the guarantees of civil, political, human, social, economic and cultural rights and freedoms of the Filipino people, and provide remedies against violations thereof;
(c) Rehabilitate the economy and promote the nationalist aspirations of the people;
(d) Recover ill-gotten properties amassed by the leaders and supporters of the previous regime and protect the interest of the people through orders of sequestration or freezing of assets of accounts;
(e) Eradicate graft and corruption in government and punish those guilty thereof; and,
(f) Restore peace and order, settle the problem of insurgency, and pursue national reconciliation based on justice.
SECTION 2. The President shall be assisted by a Cabinet which shall be composed of Ministers with or without portfolio who shall be appointed by the President. They shall be accountable to and hold office at the pleasure of the President.
SECTION 3. The President shall have control of and exercise general supervision over all local governments.
SECTION 4. In case of permanent vacancy arising from death, incapacity or resignation of the President, the Vice-President shall become President.
In case of death, permanent incapacity, or resignation of the Vice-President, the Cabinet shall choose from among themselves the Minister with portfolio who shall act as President.
SECTION 5. The Vice-President may be appointed Member of the Cabinet and may perform such other functions as may be assigned to him by the President.
SECTION 6. The President, the Vice-President, and the Members of the Cabinet shall be subject to the disabilities provided for in Section 8, Article VII, and in Sections 6 and 7, Article IX, respectively, of the 1973 Constitution, as amended.
Article III: Government Reorganization
SECTION 1. In the reorganization of the government, priority shall be given to measures to promote economy, efficiency, and the eradication of graft and corruption.
SECTION 2. All elective and appointive officials and employees under the 1973 Constitution shall continue in office until otherwise provided by proclamation or executive order or upon the designation or appointment and qualification of their successors, if such is made within a period of one year from February 25, 1986.
SECTION 3. Any public officer or employee separated from the service as a result of the reorganization effected under this Proclamation shall, if entitled under the laws then in force, receive the retirement and other benefits accruing thereunder.
SECTION 4. The records, equipment, buildings, facilities and other properties of all government offices shall be carefully preserved. In case any office or body is abolished or reorganized pursuant to this Proclamation, its funds and properties shall be transferred to the office or body to which its powers, functions, and responsibilities substantially pertain.
Article IV: Existing laws, Treaties, and Contracts
SECTION 1. All existing laws, decrees, executive orders, proclamations, letters of instruction, implementing rules and regulations, and other executive issuances not inconsistent with this Proclamation shall remain operative until amended, modified, or repealed by the President or the regular legislative body to be established under a New Constitution.
SECTION 2. The President may review all contracts, concessions, permits, or other forms of privileges for the exploration, development, exploitation, or utilization of natural resources entered into, granted, issued, or acquired before the date of this Proclamation and when the national interest requires, amend, modify, or revoke them.
Article V: Adoption of a New Constitution
SECTION 1. Within sixty (60) days from date of this Proclamation, a Commission shall be appointed by the President to draft a New Constitution. The Commission shall be composed of not less than thirty (30) nor more than fifty (50) natural born citizens of the Philippines, of recognized probity, known for their independence, nationalism and patriotism. They shall be chosen by the President after consultation with various sectors of society.
SECTION 2. The Commission shall complete its work within as short a period as may be consistent with the need both to hasten the return of normal constitutional government and to draft a document truly reflective of the ideals and aspirations of the Filipino people.
SECTION 3. The Commission shall conduct public hearings to ensure that the people will have adequate participation in the formulation of the New Constitution.
SECTION 4. The plenary sessions of the Commission shall be public and fully recorded.
SECTION 5. The New Constitution shall be presented by the Commission to the President who shall fix the date for the holding of a plebiscite. It shall become valid and effective upon ratification by a majority of the votes cast in such plebiscite which shall be held within a period of sixty (60) days following its submission to the President.
Article VI: Holding of Elections
SECTION 1. National elections shall be held as may be provided by the New Constitution.
SECTION 2. Local elections shall be held on a date to be determined by the President which shall not be earlier than the date of the plebiscite for the ratification of the New Constitution.
Article VII: Effective Date
SECTION 1. This Proclamation shall take effect upon its promulgation by the President.
SECTION 2. Pursuant to the letter and spirit of this Proclamation, a consolidated official text of the Provisional Constitution shall be promulgated by the President and published in English and Pilipino in the Official Gazette and in newspapers of general circulation to insure widespread dissemination.
Done in the City of Manila, this 25th day of March, in the year of Our Lord, Nineteen Hundred and eighty six.
By the President:
Original place of publication
Manila, Philippines
On 25 March 1986, a month after the 1986 “People Power Revolution,” President Corazon C. Aquino issued Proclamation No. 3 providing for an orderly transition to a government with a new constitution. Popularly known as the Freedom Constitution, this provisional Constitution adopts the provisions of Articles I, III, IV, V and VI covering National Territory, Citizenship, Bill of Rights, Duties and Obligations of Citizens and Suffrage of the 1973 Constitution as amended. Articles II, VII, X, XI, XII, XIII, XIV and XV are adopted in toto in so long as they are not inconsistent with the provisions of this proclamation. The provisions of the 1973 Constitution on the Batasang Pambansa (Art. VIII), the Prime Minister and the Cabinet (Art. IX), Amendments (Art. XVI), the Transitory Provisions (Art. XVII) and all amendments thereto are superseded.
Under the Freedom Constitution, the President continues to exercise legislative powers until a legislature is convened under a new Constitution. Furthermore, the President shall appoint the members of a Constitutional Commission tasked to draft a new charter “truly reflective of the ideals and aspirations of the Filipino People.”
NOTES: By virtue of Sec. 1, Article 5 of the “Freedom” Constitution, President Corazon C. Aquino issued on 23 April 1986 “Proclamation No. 9”, constituting a Constitutional Commission (CONCOM) charged with drafting a new constitution not later than 2 September 1986. In line with this issuance, President Aquino, on 26 May 1986, appointed the fifty (50) CONCOM members representing the various sectors of society.
WHEREAS, the new government was installed through a direct exercise of the power of the Filipino people assisted by units of the New Armed Forces of the Philippines;
WHEREAS, the heroic action of the people was done in defiance of the provisions of the 1973 Constitution, as amended;
WHEREAS, the direct mandate of the people as manifested by their extraordinary action demands the complete reorganization of the government, restoration of democracy, protection of basic rights, rebuilding of confidence in the entire governmental system, eradication of graft and corruption, restoration of peace and order, maintenance of the supremacy of civilian authority over the military, and the transition to a government under a New Constitution in the shortest time possible;
WHEREAS, during the period of transition to a New Constitution it must be guaranteed that the government will respect basic human rights and fundamental freedoms;
WHEREFORE, I, CORAZON C. AQUINO, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by the sovereign mandate of the people, do hereby promulgate the following Provisional Constitution:
Article I: Adoption of Certain Provisions of the 1973 Constitution, as amended
SECTION 1. The provisions of ARTICLE I (National Territory), ARTICLE III (Citizenship), ARTICLE IV (Bill of Rights), ARTICLE V (Duties and Obligations of Citizens), and ARTICLE VI (Suffrage) of the 1973 Constitution, as amended, remain in force and effect and are hereby adopted in toto as part of this Provisional Constitution.
SECTION 2. The provisions of ARTICLE II (Declaration of Principles and State Policies), ARTICLE VII (The President), ARTICLE X (The Judiciary), ARTICLE XI (Local Government), ARTICLE XII (The Constitutional Commissions), ARTICLE XIII (Accountability of Public Officers), ARTICLE XIV (The National Economy and Patrimony of the Nation), ARTICLE XV (General Provisions) of the 1973 Constitution, as amended, are hereby adopted as part of this Provisional Constitution, insofar as they are not inconsistent with the provisions of this Proclamation.
SECTION 3. ARTICLE VIII (The Batasang Pambansa), ARTICLE IX (The Prime Minister and the Cabinet), ARTICLE XVI (Amendments), ARTICLE XVII (Transitory Provisions) and all amendments thereto are deemed superseded by this Proclamation.
Article II: The President, the Vice-president, and the Cabinet
SECTION 1. Until a legislature is elected and convened under a new Constitution, the President shall continue to exercise legislative power.
The President shall give priority to measures to achieve the mandate of the people to:
(a) Completely reorganize the government and eradicate unjust and oppressive structures, and all iniquitous vestiges of the previous regime;
(b) Make effective the guarantees of civil, political, human, social, economic and cultural rights and freedoms of the Filipino people, and provide remedies against violations thereof;
(c) Rehabilitate the economy and promote the nationalist aspirations of the people;
(d) Recover ill-gotten properties amassed by the leaders and supporters of the previous regime and protect the interest of the people through orders of sequestration or freezing of assets of accounts;
(e) Eradicate graft and corruption in government and punish those guilty thereof; and,
(f) Restore peace and order, settle the problem of insurgency, and pursue national reconciliation based on justice.
SECTION 2. The President shall be assisted by a Cabinet which shall be composed of Ministers with or without portfolio who shall be appointed by the President. They shall be accountable to and hold office at the pleasure of the President.
SECTION 3. The President shall have control of and exercise general supervision over all local governments.
SECTION 4. In case of permanent vacancy arising from death, incapacity or resignation of the President, the Vice-President shall become President.
In case of death, permanent incapacity, or resignation of the Vice-President, the Cabinet shall choose from among themselves the Minister with portfolio who shall act as President.
SECTION 5. The Vice-President may be appointed Member of the Cabinet and may perform such other functions as may be assigned to him by the President.
SECTION 6. The President, the Vice-President, and the Members of the Cabinet shall be subject to the disabilities provided for in Section 8, Article VII, and in Sections 6 and 7, Article IX, respectively, of the 1973 Constitution, as amended.
Article III: Government Reorganization
SECTION 1. In the reorganization of the government, priority shall be given to measures to promote economy, efficiency, and the eradication of graft and corruption.
SECTION 2. All elective and appointive officials and employees under the 1973 Constitution shall continue in office until otherwise provided by proclamation or executive order or upon the designation or appointment and qualification of their successors, if such is made within a period of one year from February 25, 1986.
SECTION 3. Any public officer or employee separated from the service as a result of the reorganization effected under this Proclamation shall, if entitled under the laws then in force, receive the retirement and other benefits accruing thereunder.
SECTION 4. The records, equipment, buildings, facilities and other properties of all government offices shall be carefully preserved. In case any office or body is abolished or reorganized pursuant to this Proclamation, its funds and properties shall be transferred to the office or body to which its powers, functions, and responsibilities substantially pertain.
Article IV: Existing laws, Treaties, and Contracts
SECTION 1. All existing laws, decrees, executive orders, proclamations, letters of instruction, implementing rules and regulations, and other executive issuances not inconsistent with this Proclamation shall remain operative until amended, modified, or repealed by the President or the regular legislative body to be established under a New Constitution.
SECTION 2. The President may review all contracts, concessions, permits, or other forms of privileges for the exploration, development, exploitation, or utilization of natural resources entered into, granted, issued, or acquired before the date of this Proclamation and when the national interest requires, amend, modify, or revoke them.
Article V: Adoption of a New Constitution
SECTION 1. Within sixty (60) days from date of this Proclamation, a Commission shall be appointed by the President to draft a New Constitution. The Commission shall be composed of not less than thirty (30) nor more than fifty (50) natural born citizens of the Philippines, of recognized probity, known for their independence, nationalism and patriotism. They shall be chosen by the President after consultation with various sectors of society.
SECTION 2. The Commission shall complete its work within as short a period as may be consistent with the need both to hasten the return of normal constitutional government and to draft a document truly reflective of the ideals and aspirations of the Filipino people.
SECTION 3. The Commission shall conduct public hearings to ensure that the people will have adequate participation in the formulation of the New Constitution.
SECTION 4. The plenary sessions of the Commission shall be public and fully recorded.
SECTION 5. The New Constitution shall be presented by the Commission to the President who shall fix the date for the holding of a plebiscite. It shall become valid and effective upon ratification by a majority of the votes cast in such plebiscite which shall be held within a period of sixty (60) days following its submission to the President.
Article VI: Holding of Elections
SECTION 1. National elections shall be held as may be provided by the New Constitution.
SECTION 2. Local elections shall be held on a date to be determined by the President which shall not be earlier than the date of the plebiscite for the ratification of the New Constitution.
Article VII: Effective Date
SECTION 1. This Proclamation shall take effect upon its promulgation by the President.
SECTION 2. Pursuant to the letter and spirit of this Proclamation, a consolidated official text of the Provisional Constitution shall be promulgated by the President and published in English and Pilipino in the Official Gazette and in newspapers of general circulation to insure widespread dissemination.
Done in the City of Manila, this 25th day of March, in the year of Our Lord, Nineteen Hundred and eighty six.
By the President:
the secret society
by Gilbert Senday Langres on Sunday, August 14, 2011 at 3:58pm
Why do these people remain in the shadows? Because if they didn’t they would have been tracked down and killed. Even though their groups are world wide, they have not been strong enough for centuries to take on the wealth and the power of their enemy.
The “Treasury” of this secret group is located in the Philippines. The Philippines are the mountains of the legendary continent of Mu. Mu was host to an advanced civilization that existed at the same time as Atlantis. When the earth changes began, the rulers of Mu built deep underground bunkers in their highest mountains. There they stored the riches of Mu and the technology of Mu.
A priesthood was established to guard the treasure and the secrets. When the Templars knew that they needed to stop their work and go into hiding, they put together a fleet of ships that carried their treasures to the Philippines. This occurred shortly before their order was wiped out.
The Templars knew what was coming and they planned their own exit. They planned it in such a way that they were able to secure all the documents they had found in King Solomon’s Temple. Some they stored in the salt mines in Austria, others they took with them to the Philippines.
The gold the Templars brought to the Philippines was added to the treasures that were already there. Many of the Templars stayed with the treasure and married the daughters of the Priests from Mu… now called tribal chiefs.
Over the centuries other treasures were brought to the Philippines. Some Spanish Templars who were part of the group sent to South America to raid the Aztec treasures, realized that these treasures needed to be saved. Instead of taking all of the Aztec gold back to Spain, much of it was sent to the Philippines.
The royal treasury of England, which was hidden at the start of WWII in Malaysia, was captured by the Japanese and ended up in one of the Philippine “treasuries”. The treasury of the Chinese royal family is also hidden in the Philippines as is much Japanese gold.
Many Templars have married into the tribal bloodlines that are descended from Mu. The men who oversee the gold are of this bloodline.
The Philippine gold will be used to back ALL currencies around the world. It is happening as I write this. Soon there will be many examples of two currencies, the Federal Reserve Notes and gold backed money.
The Philippine gold is protected by MORE than just people and weapons. It is protected by beings that are not of our world.
Another key figure in the secret societies that have worked to bring the people of the planet together for the highest good of all concerned, was Marco Polo. He traveled to the Orient in 1274. He stayed there for 17 years, returning to Venice in 1291. While he stayed in China he was the guest of Kublai Khan.
Kublai Khan was the fifth and last Khagan (1260–1294) of the Mongol Empire. In 1271, he founded the Yuan Dynasty, and became the first Yuan emperor. (I am predicting that one of the first gold backed currencies will be the Yuan. Also remember Benjamin Fulford and the Chinese Secret Society he spoke about.).
The Mongol Empire spread all across Eurasia from the China Sea all the way to Hungary. The Hungarian royal family, the Esterhaszys, trace their bloodline to the Khans and the Mongol invaders.
If it had not been for the Esterhaszys, the Habsburgs would never have existed. If it hadn’t been for the Habsburgs, King Phillip II of Spain would not have existed.
Greece, China, the Philippines and Austria all connect to a royal bloodline that appears to have been around for thousands of years… maybe tens of thousands of years.
“The Philippines were named after King Phillip II of Spain who was directly descended from the founder of the Order of the Golden Fleece.
The Philippines were named after Philip II of Spain. Phillip II was a direct descendent of Phillip the Good.
Phillip II was the son of Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor.
Charles V was the son of Philip I of Castile, (also called Philip the Handsome) and Joanna the Mad of Castile.
Philip I of Castile was the son of Mary of Burgundy
Mary of Burgandy, called Mary the Rich (13 February 1457 – 27 March 1482), was the only child of Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy, and his wife Isabella of Bourbon
Charles the Bold was the son of Philip the Good (founder of the Order of the Golden Fleece) and Isabel of Portugal. He was made a Knight of the Golden Fleece just twenty days after his birth.
In 1994, almost 50 years after the end of World War II, and almost 50 years after Austria signed a secret treaty with the Allies, the Austrian gold and the royal treasury were brought home from their hiding place in the Philippines.
At the same time, many of the exiled royal families of Austria, Italy, Romania and other countries, began returning to their homelands. Most of these people had not been home since 1945 or before.
Had the Austrians tried to bring their national treasury home before 1995 (when it actually entered Austria), the secret treaty they signed in 1955, which allowed Austria to become one country again, would have made them give HALF of their National Treasury to Israel.
Austria was not about to give their gold, which has been in Austrian hands for centuries, to Israel. They followed the treaty to the letter and when Israel demanded gold, Austria pointed them to gold accounts of Jews that were held in banks in Switzerland and Liechtenstein.How did the Austrian treasury get to the Philippines? The Austrian National Treasure was stolen by Hitler when Germany invaded Austria in 1938. Hitler stored it in his accounts in Swiss banks.
The gold was stolen by a man who was the head of the Knights Templars. The man was a naval hero from WWI. He was an Admiral in the German Navy and the head of their department of Military Intelligence, known as the Abwehr, Admiral Wilhelm Canaris. Canaris is best known for being the brains behind the assassination attempt of Adolf Hitler.
During WWII Admiral Canaris made a trip from Berlin to Spain every two weeks. These trips are written about in a book called The Canaris Conspiracy. What was omitted from the book was the stop in Switzerland to pick up tons of Austrian gold. The gold was taken to Spain where it was loaded onto German submarines and taken to Paraguay. In 1955 the gold was moved to the Philippines.
Martes, Agosto 2, 2011
[Gold for gold. Find the gold. Share the gold]
by Gilbert Senday Langres on Tuesday, August 2, 2011 at 4:01pm
Philippines is “Riches Country in the World!” There are 950,000 metric tons of gold ( declared missing in the International Court of Justice in Hague) picked up by Yamashita from its European Ally, Hitler and another 250,000 metric tons of the Japanese loot around Southeast Asia are both now in the Philippines. Very few Filipinos knows this.. ( Wall Street Journal, November 15,1985 issue wrote: “ Two Thirds of all the gold in the world is in Philippines and One third is divided among the rest of the countries of the world”) ; During A TALK SHOW in a U.S. TV , the week following the bombing of the New York Twin Towers, President George Bush was asked this question: Which is the riches country in the world today? With a smile he said; “The Philippines.” In a US TV interview as well with President barrack Obama, in his “700 Billion USD stimulus funds” for US economy, he was asked a question where will he get the billion dollar substantial funds needed and quoted saying.. “ We have friends outside US who will support us”.
The branded Yamashita Treasure was considered “booty”. There were varied country claimants who are victims of the said WWII loots and these countries filed protest and claims after the war in the International Court of Justice. Though, there was a passage of law for thirty years starting 1946, that without a valid claim against it this “booty” it would belong to its new possessor. That would have been in 1976. However, the International Criminal Court (ICC) extended the deadline of the claims to 10 years up to 1986. With the conspiracy of the International Banking Cartel, neither the ICJ denied the existence of these gold and claims. Sadly, Successive governments of the Philippines denied its existence and failed to acknowledgd the gold. For almost 24 years, Information has been conspired to keep from being known to Filipino people.
This country is approximately a holder of estimated 1.2 Million Metric Tons of buried Gold excluding gold bullions way back to history of the “Maharlika” time. Only some of the Yamashita and Prince Chichibu buried gold in the Philippines has been found and the bulk of it is still around all over the archipelago to this day. Up to now, thousands of local individuals, company and foreign groups ventured secretly digging for it, including Japanese Treasure Hunters.
These gold loots are kept, transported, hoarded , concealed and burried in said to be 175 “imperial” vaults constructed in a maze of underground tunnels in the Philippines under the command and implementation of General Chichibu . The looting started in December 1937 in China’s Chinese Capitol of Nanking up to the advent and action of WWII .
Prince Chichibu is the younger brother of Emperor Hirohito and had been selected to head the ultra secret treasure recovery team. The Prime Minister, Prince Asaka had come from the Emperor with instructions to fully implement the plan. This led to the Rape of Nanking and the death of 300,000 Chinese civilians and military. Many had been tortured to reveal the locations of treasures and summarily executed. This secret team was given a code name of the Golden Lily after a poem the Emperor had once written. 6000 metric tons of gold were recovered from Nanking alone plus silver and precious stones.
Prince Chichibu
Top military and government officials meet in Mukden, Manchukuo in late 1936 to discuss the forthcoming war with the Chinese, Americans, Netherlands and French. The Emperor of Japan and others had developed a plan to finance the expansion of their military and to construct the ships, planes and other military hardware that would be required in order to implement their plans.
In December 1937 Japan had openly declared war on China and had surrounded the Chinese Capitol of Nanking. Prince Chichibu, the younger
brother of Emperor Hirohito had been selected to head the ultra secret
treasure recovery team code name: Golden Lily.
In July 1940, Winston Churchill, the wartime Prime Minister of Great Britain, met with Lord Beaverbrook. France had just fallen to Hitler's blitzkreig. The Germans had amassed their troops in the ports of France ready to cross the English Channel and invade Britain. Churchill had learned that the French had transferred their national treasures to French Indochina just before they had signed an armistice with the Germans. He had also learned from the Queen of The Netherlands that they had moved their treasures to the Dutch East Indies. He and the King of England decided to move the British treasures to the supposedly safe island fortress of Singapore off the southern tip of the Malay peninsula.
In 1941, Japan had sunk most of the American Pacific fleet with a sneak attack on Pearl Harbor. On December 1941 Christmas Day , Japan had taken most of the major port cities of China and had forced the British into surrendering Hong Kong. By early January 1942 Japan's victories had been nothing short of miraculous. Guam and Wake lands had fallen. Japan had assimilated Thailand and the northern part of French Indochina. The Japanese had launched a vigorous invasion of the Philippine Islands and were pushing the Americans into a final defensive position on Bataan. Her armies were fighting their way down the Malay Peninsula approaching Singapore. Although the Japanese were encountering little resistance they were greatly outnumbered by the British and Indian troops. The Golden Lily team had been greatly expanded to handle these rapidly changing situations. It is fair to say that they were actually overwhelmed.
Emperor Hirohito had requested Prince Chichibu to fly to Hanoi in French Indochina to meet with his younger brother Prince Mikasa.
The Japanese secret police had learned that France had sent their National Treasures there.
But, where were they hidden? Prince Chichibu had ordered the torture of the Bankers and former Diplomats in order to find out. They learned the treasure had been sent to Saigon by rail just before the Japanese troops had moved into Hanoi. The treasure had been hidden in the ruins of an ancient temple at the end of track. The excitement of this recovery was only overshadowed by later events.
The fortress of Singapore fell to General Yamashita and with General MacArthur being ordered out of the Philippines, the last American and Filipino troops on Bataan and Corregidor surrendered to General Homma. The infamous Death March began. The Japanese victories on all fronts were extremely heady. They began to believe in their own invincibility. Burma was now in Japanese hands and invasion plans had been drawn up for a move into Northern Australia. Asia and Southeast Asia and most of the Islands in the Pacific were as good as theirs.
Prince Chichibu in Singapore was elated when his team found the treasures of Britain stored in the banks. The collection of wealth throughout the conquered lands continued. With over 5000 years of Asia's antiquity to pillage, the amounts collected were astronomical. Far surpassing what was thought to be the total amount of gold ever mined throughout history. With Shanghai in their hands the Golden Lily team found themselves stretched to the limit in keeping up with the collection and melting down of the precious metals. Another surprise experienced by Prince Chichibu was the discovery that the Dutch had moved their treasures to Batavia in the Netherlands East Indies. Now, not only did Japan have the wealth of the Asian continent, but they were rewarded with much of the European treasures as well. Hitler's loss was Japan's gain.
Japan's luck had begun to run out by May 1942. Their first setback was the Battle of the Coral Sea where the Allies had forced Japan to turn back her invasion fleet which they had planned to land in New Guinea. The following month they suffered a further major setback with the Battle of Midway where Japan lost four of her front line fleet carriers and the cream of her trained aviators. These were the same ships and pilots that had attacked Pearl Harbor five months earlier. In August 1942 the Americans landed an invasion force on Guadalcanal. Japan tried for months to dislodge the stubborn American Marines but eventually had to concede this unknown but important island base. After that Japan could never again launch another major offensive anywhere. The war would continue for another three years while the Japanese slowly lost the lands that they had conquered. Japan's dream was over and their nightmare had begun.
By mid-1942 American submarines and aircraft had begun to take a serious toll on Japanese shipping. Prince Chichibu could no longer send the many tons of treasure back to Japan with any guarantee that it would get there and not end up on the bottom of the ocean floor. Actually he had to revise his thinking about where to send the treasures after the Midway fiasco. Following a meeting with his brother, the Emperor, it was decided that the treasures should be hidden in the Philippine Islands. Why the Philippines? Because Japan was certain that they would end up with these islands during surrender negotiations with the Allies. Also, it was the shortest distance from Hong Kong and Singapore where the material was being processed.
Prince Chichibu had begun shipping material to the Philippines even before this decision was made. It was originally intended to be sent on to Japan in returning war ships. The Prince was still nervous about these shipments even after the decision was made. He commandeered four large freighters and had them painted all white with a red cross on their sides. These were "hospital" ships which he loaded with the many treasures. To be absolutely sure that even these ships were not molested he announced their movement on a clear radio channel so that the Americans would know their times of departure and their courses.
Prince Chichibu had moved his Headquarters to Manila in the Philippines. He had entrusted his younger brother Prince Mikasa and his cousin Prince Asaka to continue the collection of the treasures. Before he left he had begun to cut up the many golden pagodas and Buddhas which were being melted down and poured into 75 kilo bars. This amassing of the treasures would continue until Japan ultimately surrendered.
Prince Chichibu was now faced with new challenges. Where and how to hide the treasures so that they could not be accidentally discovered after the war. The Prince was not as certain as his brother, the Emperor, that Japan would end up with the Philippine Islands following their defeat. He decided that these treasures would have to be hidden in deep, well engineered tunnel systems. He had no experience in mining and basically that was what was going to be required.
Major Nakasone was the only member of the Golden Lily team who had any mining background. He had studied mining engineering but never had any on the job training. He sent for him anyway. In the meantime he asked The Emperor for help and he responded by having someone locate twenty experience men in underground excavation in Japan who were quickly sent to the Philippines. If the Prince needed more workers, he would have to get them from the Filipinos. In addition the Emperor had reminded Chichibu that the POWs of the Americans and the British contained a lot of engineering experts especially those who served in the construction battalions.
Manpower was the least of his problems. There were thousands of POWs who the Japanese considered expendable. If that wasn't enough then there were millions of Filipino males that could be used. As soon as here received his experts he immediately began work in a dozen locations. While this was going on the treasure ships were arriving weekly and their precious cargo had been added to the other treasure already stored in heavily guarded warehouses. There were other problems; the movement of the cargo from the ships to the warehouses attracted a lot of attention. Chichibu decided to construct an underground tunnel system from the piers to the warehouses which were in the capture American base named Fort McKinley. Eventually this tunnel would branch out under Manila and run for 35 miles. The entrance was in Intramuros, the ancient walled city of the Spaniards, which was near the docks. It terminated at MacArthur's headquarters in Fort McKinley.
Prince Chichibu had to make some other major decisions. Why not hide all the treasure in one large location? The Emperor had answered that question. Security!!! Too many people who had worked on the location would know where it was, also if someone should accidentally find the location all would be lost. Early on the Prince had made the decision that except for a few foreign engineers the entire work force would have to be exterminated. The next question was where could this work be done where the local population would not be aware of what was going on there. Japanese military bases were perfect. Only the military had access to them and most bases had POW camps nearby. Prince Chichibu visualized that when the Americans returned to recapture the Philippines that there would be massive bombings. The map makers needed permanent landmarks in order to relocate these sites after the war. The Americans had shown in Europe that they would avoid bombing historical buildings. The four hundred year old historical Spanish Churches and fortifications were perfect. But just to make sure he would house American POWs in them. Mainly women and children. He would then arrange for clear radio communications to announce this fact. It worked, the Americans spared these sites.
Major Nakasone was at Fort Santiago, a 16th century Spanish fortification, collecting slave labors from the Kempeitai Headquarter's dungeons and torture chambers. One of the physically strong Filipino's he selected was Leopoldo Giga. Nakasone knew a Colonel Kantaro Giga who was one of his instructors at the military academy. Out of curiosity he decided to personally interview Giga. He found him an intelligent, 28 year old, who spoke fluent Japanese. He also learned he was a nephew of his academy instructor. Giga's father was the brother of the instructor who was a minor diplomat who had been attached to the Japanese Embassy in the Philippines 1913. Giga's mother had met the Diplomat and had become his common-law wife. Another advantage that Nakasone found in Giga was that he spoke two of the main dialects of the Filipino people. Instead of making him a slave laborer he assigned him to his staff. Giga came to the attention of Prince Chichibu who had him commissioned as a sub-lieutenant in the Imperial Army. He was sent to Japan to attend schooling on tunneling and inventorying the treasure. He returned a Captain and worked on most of the treasure sites.
Prince Chichibu was in Nueva Vizcaya in early 1942. He was examining a major excavation outside of the town of Bambang. He and his staff had a young Filipino boy who had come down with a fever and had died. He had been a houseboy who did the laundry of the Prince and his staff as well as kept their boots and other equipment cleaned and polished. He sent his aide out to locate a replacement. The Aide came back with a 14 year old uneducated farm boy whose name was Benjamin Valmores. During the next three and a half years Valmores traveled with the Prince to many of the sites all over the Philippines. He learned Japanese and a smattering of English. He was never allowed to go down into the tunnels, but he watched them being constructed and filled with the treasures. He and Giga would survive the war.
As the war reached its inevitable climax in early 1945 the Japanese were receiving more treasure than they could prepare sites for in which to hide it. Their warships became useless due to the American air- superiority, so they loaded them with these newly arrived treasures and pretended they were being sent back to Japan. Instead the Japanese deliberately sank or scuttled these ships and machine-gunned their own men so that the ships would go down in predetermined locations and no witnesses would be alive to tell the tale. There were thirteen of these planned sinkings. Some of these went down in Manila Bay; others were sunk in not to deep Philippine Waters throughout the archipelago.
The bloody war was over. The hopes of Emperor Hirohito and others to force the Americans to agree to a treaty that would allow Japan to keep some of the lands they had taken by conquest had been shattered. They had planned the final battle that they were certain would cause the Americans over a million casualties when they invaded the Japanese home islands. The two atomic bombs and Russia's invasion of Manchuria in an attempt to annex some of Japan's conquered lands had cause the Emperor to agree to an unconditional surrender. Now the conquerors wanted to bring to justice those who were responsible for the many atrocities. Over 4000 war criminals were charged. Of these 2400 received a prison sentence of three years or more and 809 were ultimately hung.
The famous Yamashita Gold treasure trove takes its name from General Tomoyuki Yamashita, who assumed command of Japanese forces in the Philippines only in 1944, a year before the war ends. But, the irony of it, the whole treasure troves was not all buried by Yamashita as many believe. There are team of Japanese Officers and Generals assigned who lead the 14th Army in the Philippines ahead of him since the Japanese invasions and occupations in 1941 .
These generals were Lt. General Masaharu Homma ; Vice Admiral Ibo Takahashi; Vice Admiral Nishizo Tsukahara; Lt. General Shizuiki Tanaka; Lt. General Shigenori Kuroda and some of their Chief of Staffs Major Gen. Takaji Wachi; Lt General Haruki Isayama; Lt. Gen. Tsuchino Yamaguchi; Lt Gen. Ryuzo Sakuma and Lt. Gen. Akira Muto were burying already the bulk of gold loots carried over by the command and implementation of Prince Chichibu or General Chichibu way back starting 1942 up to early 1945. Only why it was branded as “Yamashita Gold” due to first news informed treasure recoveries in the late 70’s particularly of “Roxas – His Golden Budda” and the gold recoveries of “Sta Romana” in Northern Luzon buried by Yamashita who also was in charge then for the quick burying concealment because Japan is already loosing the war . He was as well known as “Tiger of Malaya” and strongly identified as the general tasked to transport the bulk of gold loots from Singapore to Philippines by Japanese Navy Fleets carrying himself to his new command post in the Philippines in September 1944 as 14th Area Army Commander. And the fact that, Yamashita was the last General on command of the Japanese forces in the Philippines during the unconditional surrender of Japan in 1945. The "gold" includes many different kinds of valuables looted from banks, depositories, mosques, temples, churches, shops, museums and private homes. It was intended that loot from South East Asia would finance Japan's war effort. Most of the loot was first shipped to the port of Singapore, where it was then relayed to the Philippines. From the Philippines, it was intended that the treasure would be shipped to the Japanese home islands which did not materialized.
When the gold was buried, it was done in anticipation that the Americans would defeat the Japanese and the underground vaults, tunnels, and entrances were booby trapped with gas, explosives, and water. The water traps were created by digging 300 - 350 feet underground in the dry months, at which time the water table was at its lowest.
As the Pacific War progressed, Allied submarines and aircraft took a heavy toll on Japan's shipping. Some ships carrying gold loots back to Japan were sunk. The Japanese military began to hide the loot in caves and underground complexes throughout the Philippines, hoping to recover it after the war was over. Many of those who knew the locations of the loot were either executed or incarcerated for war crimes, including Yamashita. Thus, the whereabouts of the treasure locations were lost. Many years later, Former Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos located some of the treasure and obtained part of his personal fortune from it. His recoveries are known as the "Marcos Gold”or “Marcos Wealth". Aside from these finds, others finds are not sufficiently documented.
In the early 1930’s , Europe was in depression and Germany was financially bankrupt, An unknown party leader emerged and promise the German people that he could create jobs and boost the economy. The Germans dared him and put him in power. His name is Adolf Hitler. In 1933, the Vatican and Hitler, a Roman Catholic signed a concordat and mutual protection and enhancement. That was apparently that Vatican was spared of the ruins of war in Europe during WWII. “Hitler was loaded with gold and money”. He built a massive army and manufactured weapons of war. Then Hitler took Poland. Before 1918 there was no Poland. That land was part of Germany and used as a buffer zone to separate Germany from Russia. But when Hitler reclaimed it, England declared war on Germany.
By the advent of the WWII, Germany and Japan made strong allies and positioned their army forces and manufactured weapons not only for war or expanding their empire but conquest for wealth and connived for the European and Asian Looting.
After the War, accordingly “Fr. Jose Antonio Diaz,”aka Fr Hayes; Severino Garcia Sta Romana, et al and other used names formerly of the OSS and CIA was entrusted by the Vatican to take charge of Vatican gold buried on the Philippines. The claims of the “Vatican gold” was identified as bullion that had been “captured by Hitler” and that had belonged to the royal families of Europe and been placed under the trusteeship of the Vatican. It also includes gold bullions that was plundered by the Japanese under General Chichibu and buried in the Philippines.
Fr. Diaz had “assumed several names when he moved to the Philippines.” One of these was “Col. Severino Sta. Romana.” Being with the OSS after the war, he was able to retrieved, unlock on only some of the buried gold bullion treasures in Northern Part of Luzon, Philippine Island. By peacetime, he was also the major catalyst for the safe return of 640,000 metric tons of Gold owned by the royalty family of the former “maharlika” or the Philipines borrowed by the Vatican in 1939 and facilitated its return to the original owners in Philippines and rewarded with paid commissions of 30% of the returned gold. The value of the gold now estimated at $4 trillion in which anyone could raise eyebrows its existence. Where it is now? It was noted that Sta. Romana during that time had “hired the young Marcos as his lawyer and trustee.” By 1949, It was said the Two (2) richest man in the world were Fr. Jose Antonio Diaz and Atty. Ferdinand E Marcos . Perhaps, there is a good reason to believe now for people who defended and stay on hold to the programs of the former “strong man” that his wealth is “Not Ill-Gotten”.
In 1974, Fr, Jose Antonio Diaz, alias Severino Sta. Romana died and all that 30% commission in gold become the legendary “MARCOS GOLD”. In power, after providing for his family in Marcos “Letter of Instruction”, the whole wealth derived from this was supposed to be given to the FILIPINO PEOPLE. However, the “MARCOS GOLD or MARCOS WEALTH” was labeled as “Ill-Gotten” as some of Philippine Politicians and Churchmen kept on saying. There was nothing secret about the said.. “Marcos Secret Account”. History of and by the said “Letter of Instructions”, will show that the money was not stashed away and inaccessible but available to truly deserving Filipinos. Filipinos should know this. The grand scheme of these with these International banking cartels with the backdrop control of Superpower Nations with so much interest no less than by greed so that this country and its people will remain a slave and shackled to these foreign powers. They don’t want our country to be made a “ First World Country”. The phony scheme of the CIA backed EDSA “PEOPLE POWER REVOLUTION” exhibition in 1986 continually blinded FILIPINOS up to now and keep repeating that MARCOS was a thief so that those hundreds of billions of “ MARCOS WEALTH” will remain froze and not given to the Filipino people.
Apparently, after 1986 under the International Court of Justice, the gold treasure buried in the Philippines or in other nations will be owned by the possessor of it. Who are they? For Filipinos, Its us Filipinos who have the control of private or government land allegedly to contain of these buried gold loots. However, in reality, we have to accept the fact that it was not ours since time in memorial these gold were owned by varied international country claimants. But who to prove it that its theirs? Even the International Court of Justice up to now denied its existence for reason how will they prove it? To “someone” who had accumulated the German and Japanese plundered gold gathered in by General Chichibu and General Yamashita obviously preferred not to come forward with their claims because such claims would possibly reveal the source of such wealth. To take note the Japan’s ravage of the war in Burma and Asian neighbors where their historical and ancient gold was looted , was cut , stripped, melted and formed into another gold bars. The war was over and it would be difficult to identify the actual ownership of these gold if found. However, gold hallmarks can do so, and the hallmarks still carry international warrants for claims. The come and go to the Philippines of mandates and representatives by the international gold bullion buyers from Europe, China, America etc. are taking advantage of huge buying % discounts from who would be finders and holders/sellers of the gold loots. To note, before transporting these items , a must buying policy that these hallmarks of gold identity would be first erased or removed and re-melted again into new dory or plain bars form before shipment and payments. Other buying schemes would have it shipped out after making any financial payment guarantees to the sellers and after re-melting and refining, payments can be done off-shore. Thus , legalizing and documenting said gold treasures would be easy for them.

The branded Yamashita Treasure was considered “booty”. There were varied country claimants who are victims of the said WWII loots and these countries filed protest and claims after the war in the International Court of Justice. Though, there was a passage of law for thirty years starting 1946, that without a valid claim against it this “booty” it would belong to its new possessor. That would have been in 1976. However, the International Criminal Court (ICC) extended the deadline of the claims to 10 years up to 1986. With the conspiracy of the International Banking Cartel, neither the ICJ denied the existence of these gold and claims. Sadly, Successive governments of the Philippines denied its existence and failed to acknowledgd the gold. For almost 24 years, Information has been conspired to keep from being known to Filipino people.
This country is approximately a holder of estimated 1.2 Million Metric Tons of buried Gold excluding gold bullions way back to history of the “Maharlika” time. Only some of the Yamashita and Prince Chichibu buried gold in the Philippines has been found and the bulk of it is still around all over the archipelago to this day. Up to now, thousands of local individuals, company and foreign groups ventured secretly digging for it, including Japanese Treasure Hunters.
These gold loots are kept, transported, hoarded , concealed and burried in said to be 175 “imperial” vaults constructed in a maze of underground tunnels in the Philippines under the command and implementation of General Chichibu . The looting started in December 1937 in China’s Chinese Capitol of Nanking up to the advent and action of WWII .
Prince Chichibu is the younger brother of Emperor Hirohito and had been selected to head the ultra secret treasure recovery team. The Prime Minister, Prince Asaka had come from the Emperor with instructions to fully implement the plan. This led to the Rape of Nanking and the death of 300,000 Chinese civilians and military. Many had been tortured to reveal the locations of treasures and summarily executed. This secret team was given a code name of the Golden Lily after a poem the Emperor had once written. 6000 metric tons of gold were recovered from Nanking alone plus silver and precious stones.
Prince Chichibu
Top military and government officials meet in Mukden, Manchukuo in late 1936 to discuss the forthcoming war with the Chinese, Americans, Netherlands and French. The Emperor of Japan and others had developed a plan to finance the expansion of their military and to construct the ships, planes and other military hardware that would be required in order to implement their plans.
In December 1937 Japan had openly declared war on China and had surrounded the Chinese Capitol of Nanking. Prince Chichibu, the younger
brother of Emperor Hirohito had been selected to head the ultra secret
treasure recovery team code name: Golden Lily.
In July 1940, Winston Churchill, the wartime Prime Minister of Great Britain, met with Lord Beaverbrook. France had just fallen to Hitler's blitzkreig. The Germans had amassed their troops in the ports of France ready to cross the English Channel and invade Britain. Churchill had learned that the French had transferred their national treasures to French Indochina just before they had signed an armistice with the Germans. He had also learned from the Queen of The Netherlands that they had moved their treasures to the Dutch East Indies. He and the King of England decided to move the British treasures to the supposedly safe island fortress of Singapore off the southern tip of the Malay peninsula.
In 1941, Japan had sunk most of the American Pacific fleet with a sneak attack on Pearl Harbor. On December 1941 Christmas Day , Japan had taken most of the major port cities of China and had forced the British into surrendering Hong Kong. By early January 1942 Japan's victories had been nothing short of miraculous. Guam and Wake lands had fallen. Japan had assimilated Thailand and the northern part of French Indochina. The Japanese had launched a vigorous invasion of the Philippine Islands and were pushing the Americans into a final defensive position on Bataan. Her armies were fighting their way down the Malay Peninsula approaching Singapore. Although the Japanese were encountering little resistance they were greatly outnumbered by the British and Indian troops. The Golden Lily team had been greatly expanded to handle these rapidly changing situations. It is fair to say that they were actually overwhelmed.
Emperor Hirohito had requested Prince Chichibu to fly to Hanoi in French Indochina to meet with his younger brother Prince Mikasa.
The Japanese secret police had learned that France had sent their National Treasures there.
But, where were they hidden? Prince Chichibu had ordered the torture of the Bankers and former Diplomats in order to find out. They learned the treasure had been sent to Saigon by rail just before the Japanese troops had moved into Hanoi. The treasure had been hidden in the ruins of an ancient temple at the end of track. The excitement of this recovery was only overshadowed by later events.
The fortress of Singapore fell to General Yamashita and with General MacArthur being ordered out of the Philippines, the last American and Filipino troops on Bataan and Corregidor surrendered to General Homma. The infamous Death March began. The Japanese victories on all fronts were extremely heady. They began to believe in their own invincibility. Burma was now in Japanese hands and invasion plans had been drawn up for a move into Northern Australia. Asia and Southeast Asia and most of the Islands in the Pacific were as good as theirs.
Prince Chichibu in Singapore was elated when his team found the treasures of Britain stored in the banks. The collection of wealth throughout the conquered lands continued. With over 5000 years of Asia's antiquity to pillage, the amounts collected were astronomical. Far surpassing what was thought to be the total amount of gold ever mined throughout history. With Shanghai in their hands the Golden Lily team found themselves stretched to the limit in keeping up with the collection and melting down of the precious metals. Another surprise experienced by Prince Chichibu was the discovery that the Dutch had moved their treasures to Batavia in the Netherlands East Indies. Now, not only did Japan have the wealth of the Asian continent, but they were rewarded with much of the European treasures as well. Hitler's loss was Japan's gain.
Japan's luck had begun to run out by May 1942. Their first setback was the Battle of the Coral Sea where the Allies had forced Japan to turn back her invasion fleet which they had planned to land in New Guinea. The following month they suffered a further major setback with the Battle of Midway where Japan lost four of her front line fleet carriers and the cream of her trained aviators. These were the same ships and pilots that had attacked Pearl Harbor five months earlier. In August 1942 the Americans landed an invasion force on Guadalcanal. Japan tried for months to dislodge the stubborn American Marines but eventually had to concede this unknown but important island base. After that Japan could never again launch another major offensive anywhere. The war would continue for another three years while the Japanese slowly lost the lands that they had conquered. Japan's dream was over and their nightmare had begun.
By mid-1942 American submarines and aircraft had begun to take a serious toll on Japanese shipping. Prince Chichibu could no longer send the many tons of treasure back to Japan with any guarantee that it would get there and not end up on the bottom of the ocean floor. Actually he had to revise his thinking about where to send the treasures after the Midway fiasco. Following a meeting with his brother, the Emperor, it was decided that the treasures should be hidden in the Philippine Islands. Why the Philippines? Because Japan was certain that they would end up with these islands during surrender negotiations with the Allies. Also, it was the shortest distance from Hong Kong and Singapore where the material was being processed.
Prince Chichibu had begun shipping material to the Philippines even before this decision was made. It was originally intended to be sent on to Japan in returning war ships. The Prince was still nervous about these shipments even after the decision was made. He commandeered four large freighters and had them painted all white with a red cross on their sides. These were "hospital" ships which he loaded with the many treasures. To be absolutely sure that even these ships were not molested he announced their movement on a clear radio channel so that the Americans would know their times of departure and their courses.
Prince Chichibu had moved his Headquarters to Manila in the Philippines. He had entrusted his younger brother Prince Mikasa and his cousin Prince Asaka to continue the collection of the treasures. Before he left he had begun to cut up the many golden pagodas and Buddhas which were being melted down and poured into 75 kilo bars. This amassing of the treasures would continue until Japan ultimately surrendered.
Prince Chichibu was now faced with new challenges. Where and how to hide the treasures so that they could not be accidentally discovered after the war. The Prince was not as certain as his brother, the Emperor, that Japan would end up with the Philippine Islands following their defeat. He decided that these treasures would have to be hidden in deep, well engineered tunnel systems. He had no experience in mining and basically that was what was going to be required.
Major Nakasone was the only member of the Golden Lily team who had any mining background. He had studied mining engineering but never had any on the job training. He sent for him anyway. In the meantime he asked The Emperor for help and he responded by having someone locate twenty experience men in underground excavation in Japan who were quickly sent to the Philippines. If the Prince needed more workers, he would have to get them from the Filipinos. In addition the Emperor had reminded Chichibu that the POWs of the Americans and the British contained a lot of engineering experts especially those who served in the construction battalions.
Manpower was the least of his problems. There were thousands of POWs who the Japanese considered expendable. If that wasn't enough then there were millions of Filipino males that could be used. As soon as here received his experts he immediately began work in a dozen locations. While this was going on the treasure ships were arriving weekly and their precious cargo had been added to the other treasure already stored in heavily guarded warehouses. There were other problems; the movement of the cargo from the ships to the warehouses attracted a lot of attention. Chichibu decided to construct an underground tunnel system from the piers to the warehouses which were in the capture American base named Fort McKinley. Eventually this tunnel would branch out under Manila and run for 35 miles. The entrance was in Intramuros, the ancient walled city of the Spaniards, which was near the docks. It terminated at MacArthur's headquarters in Fort McKinley.
Prince Chichibu had to make some other major decisions. Why not hide all the treasure in one large location? The Emperor had answered that question. Security!!! Too many people who had worked on the location would know where it was, also if someone should accidentally find the location all would be lost. Early on the Prince had made the decision that except for a few foreign engineers the entire work force would have to be exterminated. The next question was where could this work be done where the local population would not be aware of what was going on there. Japanese military bases were perfect. Only the military had access to them and most bases had POW camps nearby. Prince Chichibu visualized that when the Americans returned to recapture the Philippines that there would be massive bombings. The map makers needed permanent landmarks in order to relocate these sites after the war. The Americans had shown in Europe that they would avoid bombing historical buildings. The four hundred year old historical Spanish Churches and fortifications were perfect. But just to make sure he would house American POWs in them. Mainly women and children. He would then arrange for clear radio communications to announce this fact. It worked, the Americans spared these sites.
Major Nakasone was at Fort Santiago, a 16th century Spanish fortification, collecting slave labors from the Kempeitai Headquarter's dungeons and torture chambers. One of the physically strong Filipino's he selected was Leopoldo Giga. Nakasone knew a Colonel Kantaro Giga who was one of his instructors at the military academy. Out of curiosity he decided to personally interview Giga. He found him an intelligent, 28 year old, who spoke fluent Japanese. He also learned he was a nephew of his academy instructor. Giga's father was the brother of the instructor who was a minor diplomat who had been attached to the Japanese Embassy in the Philippines 1913. Giga's mother had met the Diplomat and had become his common-law wife. Another advantage that Nakasone found in Giga was that he spoke two of the main dialects of the Filipino people. Instead of making him a slave laborer he assigned him to his staff. Giga came to the attention of Prince Chichibu who had him commissioned as a sub-lieutenant in the Imperial Army. He was sent to Japan to attend schooling on tunneling and inventorying the treasure. He returned a Captain and worked on most of the treasure sites.
Prince Chichibu was in Nueva Vizcaya in early 1942. He was examining a major excavation outside of the town of Bambang. He and his staff had a young Filipino boy who had come down with a fever and had died. He had been a houseboy who did the laundry of the Prince and his staff as well as kept their boots and other equipment cleaned and polished. He sent his aide out to locate a replacement. The Aide came back with a 14 year old uneducated farm boy whose name was Benjamin Valmores. During the next three and a half years Valmores traveled with the Prince to many of the sites all over the Philippines. He learned Japanese and a smattering of English. He was never allowed to go down into the tunnels, but he watched them being constructed and filled with the treasures. He and Giga would survive the war.
As the war reached its inevitable climax in early 1945 the Japanese were receiving more treasure than they could prepare sites for in which to hide it. Their warships became useless due to the American air- superiority, so they loaded them with these newly arrived treasures and pretended they were being sent back to Japan. Instead the Japanese deliberately sank or scuttled these ships and machine-gunned their own men so that the ships would go down in predetermined locations and no witnesses would be alive to tell the tale. There were thirteen of these planned sinkings. Some of these went down in Manila Bay; others were sunk in not to deep Philippine Waters throughout the archipelago.
The bloody war was over. The hopes of Emperor Hirohito and others to force the Americans to agree to a treaty that would allow Japan to keep some of the lands they had taken by conquest had been shattered. They had planned the final battle that they were certain would cause the Americans over a million casualties when they invaded the Japanese home islands. The two atomic bombs and Russia's invasion of Manchuria in an attempt to annex some of Japan's conquered lands had cause the Emperor to agree to an unconditional surrender. Now the conquerors wanted to bring to justice those who were responsible for the many atrocities. Over 4000 war criminals were charged. Of these 2400 received a prison sentence of three years or more and 809 were ultimately hung.
The famous Yamashita Gold treasure trove takes its name from General Tomoyuki Yamashita, who assumed command of Japanese forces in the Philippines only in 1944, a year before the war ends. But, the irony of it, the whole treasure troves was not all buried by Yamashita as many believe. There are team of Japanese Officers and Generals assigned who lead the 14th Army in the Philippines ahead of him since the Japanese invasions and occupations in 1941 .
These generals were Lt. General Masaharu Homma ; Vice Admiral Ibo Takahashi; Vice Admiral Nishizo Tsukahara; Lt. General Shizuiki Tanaka; Lt. General Shigenori Kuroda and some of their Chief of Staffs Major Gen. Takaji Wachi; Lt General Haruki Isayama; Lt. Gen. Tsuchino Yamaguchi; Lt Gen. Ryuzo Sakuma and Lt. Gen. Akira Muto were burying already the bulk of gold loots carried over by the command and implementation of Prince Chichibu or General Chichibu way back starting 1942 up to early 1945. Only why it was branded as “Yamashita Gold” due to first news informed treasure recoveries in the late 70’s particularly of “Roxas – His Golden Budda” and the gold recoveries of “Sta Romana” in Northern Luzon buried by Yamashita who also was in charge then for the quick burying concealment because Japan is already loosing the war . He was as well known as “Tiger of Malaya” and strongly identified as the general tasked to transport the bulk of gold loots from Singapore to Philippines by Japanese Navy Fleets carrying himself to his new command post in the Philippines in September 1944 as 14th Area Army Commander. And the fact that, Yamashita was the last General on command of the Japanese forces in the Philippines during the unconditional surrender of Japan in 1945. The "gold" includes many different kinds of valuables looted from banks, depositories, mosques, temples, churches, shops, museums and private homes. It was intended that loot from South East Asia would finance Japan's war effort. Most of the loot was first shipped to the port of Singapore, where it was then relayed to the Philippines. From the Philippines, it was intended that the treasure would be shipped to the Japanese home islands which did not materialized.
When the gold was buried, it was done in anticipation that the Americans would defeat the Japanese and the underground vaults, tunnels, and entrances were booby trapped with gas, explosives, and water. The water traps were created by digging 300 - 350 feet underground in the dry months, at which time the water table was at its lowest.
As the Pacific War progressed, Allied submarines and aircraft took a heavy toll on Japan's shipping. Some ships carrying gold loots back to Japan were sunk. The Japanese military began to hide the loot in caves and underground complexes throughout the Philippines, hoping to recover it after the war was over. Many of those who knew the locations of the loot were either executed or incarcerated for war crimes, including Yamashita. Thus, the whereabouts of the treasure locations were lost. Many years later, Former Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos located some of the treasure and obtained part of his personal fortune from it. His recoveries are known as the "Marcos Gold”or “Marcos Wealth". Aside from these finds, others finds are not sufficiently documented.
In the early 1930’s , Europe was in depression and Germany was financially bankrupt, An unknown party leader emerged and promise the German people that he could create jobs and boost the economy. The Germans dared him and put him in power. His name is Adolf Hitler. In 1933, the Vatican and Hitler, a Roman Catholic signed a concordat and mutual protection and enhancement. That was apparently that Vatican was spared of the ruins of war in Europe during WWII. “Hitler was loaded with gold and money”. He built a massive army and manufactured weapons of war. Then Hitler took Poland. Before 1918 there was no Poland. That land was part of Germany and used as a buffer zone to separate Germany from Russia. But when Hitler reclaimed it, England declared war on Germany.
By the advent of the WWII, Germany and Japan made strong allies and positioned their army forces and manufactured weapons not only for war or expanding their empire but conquest for wealth and connived for the European and Asian Looting.
After the War, accordingly “Fr. Jose Antonio Diaz,”aka Fr Hayes; Severino Garcia Sta Romana, et al and other used names formerly of the OSS and CIA was entrusted by the Vatican to take charge of Vatican gold buried on the Philippines. The claims of the “Vatican gold” was identified as bullion that had been “captured by Hitler” and that had belonged to the royal families of Europe and been placed under the trusteeship of the Vatican. It also includes gold bullions that was plundered by the Japanese under General Chichibu and buried in the Philippines.
Fr. Diaz had “assumed several names when he moved to the Philippines.” One of these was “Col. Severino Sta. Romana.” Being with the OSS after the war, he was able to retrieved, unlock on only some of the buried gold bullion treasures in Northern Part of Luzon, Philippine Island. By peacetime, he was also the major catalyst for the safe return of 640,000 metric tons of Gold owned by the royalty family of the former “maharlika” or the Philipines borrowed by the Vatican in 1939 and facilitated its return to the original owners in Philippines and rewarded with paid commissions of 30% of the returned gold. The value of the gold now estimated at $4 trillion in which anyone could raise eyebrows its existence. Where it is now? It was noted that Sta. Romana during that time had “hired the young Marcos as his lawyer and trustee.” By 1949, It was said the Two (2) richest man in the world were Fr. Jose Antonio Diaz and Atty. Ferdinand E Marcos . Perhaps, there is a good reason to believe now for people who defended and stay on hold to the programs of the former “strong man” that his wealth is “Not Ill-Gotten”.
In 1974, Fr, Jose Antonio Diaz, alias Severino Sta. Romana died and all that 30% commission in gold become the legendary “MARCOS GOLD”. In power, after providing for his family in Marcos “Letter of Instruction”, the whole wealth derived from this was supposed to be given to the FILIPINO PEOPLE. However, the “MARCOS GOLD or MARCOS WEALTH” was labeled as “Ill-Gotten” as some of Philippine Politicians and Churchmen kept on saying. There was nothing secret about the said.. “Marcos Secret Account”. History of and by the said “Letter of Instructions”, will show that the money was not stashed away and inaccessible but available to truly deserving Filipinos. Filipinos should know this. The grand scheme of these with these International banking cartels with the backdrop control of Superpower Nations with so much interest no less than by greed so that this country and its people will remain a slave and shackled to these foreign powers. They don’t want our country to be made a “ First World Country”. The phony scheme of the CIA backed EDSA “PEOPLE POWER REVOLUTION” exhibition in 1986 continually blinded FILIPINOS up to now and keep repeating that MARCOS was a thief so that those hundreds of billions of “ MARCOS WEALTH” will remain froze and not given to the Filipino people.
Apparently, after 1986 under the International Court of Justice, the gold treasure buried in the Philippines or in other nations will be owned by the possessor of it. Who are they? For Filipinos, Its us Filipinos who have the control of private or government land allegedly to contain of these buried gold loots. However, in reality, we have to accept the fact that it was not ours since time in memorial these gold were owned by varied international country claimants. But who to prove it that its theirs? Even the International Court of Justice up to now denied its existence for reason how will they prove it? To “someone” who had accumulated the German and Japanese plundered gold gathered in by General Chichibu and General Yamashita obviously preferred not to come forward with their claims because such claims would possibly reveal the source of such wealth. To take note the Japan’s ravage of the war in Burma and Asian neighbors where their historical and ancient gold was looted , was cut , stripped, melted and formed into another gold bars. The war was over and it would be difficult to identify the actual ownership of these gold if found. However, gold hallmarks can do so, and the hallmarks still carry international warrants for claims. The come and go to the Philippines of mandates and representatives by the international gold bullion buyers from Europe, China, America etc. are taking advantage of huge buying % discounts from who would be finders and holders/sellers of the gold loots. To note, before transporting these items , a must buying policy that these hallmarks of gold identity would be first erased or removed and re-melted again into new dory or plain bars form before shipment and payments. Other buying schemes would have it shipped out after making any financial payment guarantees to the sellers and after re-melting and refining, payments can be done off-shore. Thus , legalizing and documenting said gold treasures would be easy for them.
- top confidential documents w/c s refered to the central bank of the philippines office of the board of governor. THE BILATERAL MINESFIELD BREAKTHROUGH SUCCESSOR AGREEMENT dated aug.11,1950 code name TVM-LSM the only successor of PRINCE JULIAN MACLEOD TALLANO and MAJESTY QUEEN OF SPAIN ISABEL11 OWNER OF PARCEL OF LAND COVERED BY O.C.T. 01-4 AND GOLD BOLLION CODE 777,HARBOUR KING,ABA,JPR,LUNA, and other code registered in the BANK FOR INTERNATIONAL SETTLEMENT based in boston and switzerland and other asset owned by EL BANCO ESPANOL FILIPINO DE ISABEL 11 located in intramuros, manila, philippines. to backup the philippine currency as legal tender equivalent of thousand metric tons of GOLD(AU) and real estate properties known as code of O.C.T. 01-4 and code of 010-L-50
- the sole hier/owner shall be responsible to give any information regarding the history of ownership followed by the issuance of certificate of entitlement,master account code authenticated by the board of governor of the federal reserve system in coordination of the united states bank and international monetary fund under secrecy of bank deposit. the US security council, US federal reserve system and the US treasury identified the code of sole successor heir/owner based in trust acct. under C-1,C-2,C-19,C-21 appeared in the special trust cert. of deposit backup by GOLD CODE 777, protected by TREATY OF PARIS, TREATY OF VERSALLIES AND TREATY OF PERPETUAL and TREATY OF AGREEMENT it was approved and amended by the LEAGUE OF THE NATIONS.
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